BigSEE Tourism Design Award 2021
eumelia receives the BigSEE Tourism Design Award 2021 for creative story and identity as experience
It is a great honor to receive this regional award, a region rich in culture, amazing and long history.
BIG SEE Awards were launched as regional awards to systematically explore and promote the creative and business potential of the Southeast Europe. With the ambition of connecting creativity beyond regional boundaries, they have outgrown regional frameworks and become international.
Nowadays BIG SEE Awards contribute to promotion of unique and original creative achievements in architecture, interior, wood, tourism, product and fashion design globally.
The awards include 21 countries from the Southeast European region: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, The Czech Republic, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Israel, Hungary, Kosovo, Malta, North Macedonia, The Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and Turkey.